The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Hmm... For folks who don't know me well, I was first at PSU in the early 1980's. I wasn't as prepared as I should have (& could have) been, so I had to take a leave of absence to regroup. I expected that to be a year or two; it turned into 20 years of unemployment, underemployment, stress and frustration. (Arrgh!!!) In late 2004 I finally got angry enough at myself and my world to get back to college and get on with "Life." From August 2005 through December 2008 I busted my buns to get my BS in Geobiology from the College of Earth & Mineral Sciences. A lot of great EMS faculty & staff made me feel like I mattered, which helped a lot!!! (Fortunately, I've never had any spouses or children to care for through all of this.) Now I'm in the process of moving onto graduate school at East Tennessee State University beginning this fall semester. This will be the biggest thing in my life so far, but I feel ready and willing to get on with it. Onward and upward -- oh, yeah, and Go State!!!!